The methodological framework will present guidelines for the partners to support them in the conversion of the materials from EUPA and EUPA NEXT into asynchronous electronic learning.
The certification scheme for curricula and training materials will include all principles and requirements needed for the certification. All training materials and curricula that will be transformed into asynchronous online learning will be certified.
The certification scheme for persons will contain principles and requirements needed to award the job qualification or specific competences qualification.
This result involves all the methodological tools to be used in e-EUPA project that are in fact the tools of the previous projects converted into asynchronous e-learning or in case this is not possible, new tools that will achieve the same learning outcomes but in the setting of asynchronous e-learning.
The PowerPoint presentations from the previous project will be transformed in video-presentations through an innovative software. An expert in each of the countries of the consortium will review the video-recorded lectures.
This result will be covering the creation of the platform in the form of Moodle on which a forum, all of the video-recorded lectures and the methodological tools will be accessed. The learners will have the opportunity to register on the appropriate level of EQF and begin learning.
An assessment tool will be developed for each unit. The tool will be consisted of specially developed exercises, declarative statements, interview questions, simulations, role plays etc. to address the knowledge, skills and competences of the administration personnel. All assessments will take place online through a specialized assessment platform by Cyprus Certification Company.