A note from the coordinator

Welcome to the website of the e-EUPA project!

We find that online training, electronic learning or e-learning as an excellent mode of instruction that can take place through the use of ICT and the internet. Its asynchronous form is a trailblazing feature that can allow for enhanced learning. It does not require real-timed interaction; instead, content is available online for learners to access whenever it best suits their schedules.

At the same time, we consider the that the sector of office administration is a popular sector in the workforce, as well as an essential component of the corporate and business field. Having that in mind EUPA and EUPA_NEXT projects were successfully implemented to develop qualification frameworks for administrative personnel in four different European Qualification Framework (EQF) levels.

E-EUPA is the continuator of these successfully implemented projects which incorporates the aforementioned concept of electronic learning and especially of the asynchronous mode.

Our consortium of partners consists of colleagues from six different organizations, representing five different countries of the European Union.

Our partners have extensive expertise in higher education, VET education and life-long learning, but also expertise in technological and certification matters.

Thank you for visiting, have a look around and stay tuned for updates as the project progresses!