
Research demonstrates that the sector of office administration is a popular sector in the workforce, as well as an essential component of the corporate and business field. Considering this reality, EUPA and EUPA_NEXT were successfully implemented in order to develop qualification frameworks for administrative personnel in four different EQF levels, training curricula and training materials (ISO certified) for all four EQF levels of administrative personnel, and assessment tools on the level of the unit certified with ISO17029. E-EUPA is the continuator of these successfully implemented projects which incorporates the concept of electronic learning, and especially asynchronous electronic learning. Asynchronous learning does not require real-time interaction; instead, content is available online for students to access whenever it best suits their schedules.  

E-EUPA aims to transform all EUPA_NEXT materials in a state-of-the-art material for asynchronous learning in the form of a platform which will be supporting learning through well-trained trainers. 

E-Eupa aims to provide an alternative method for learning and certification for administration personnel in four different EQF levels.